Tooth loss…The most common suffering nowadays is because of many reasons, like tooth decay, periodontal disease, or any injury. With the improvements in dental care, an increase in treatment options is available for missing teeth and that is what we are talking about, Dental Implants.

A Swedish Orthopedic surgeon invented Dental Implants way back in 1952. Today, they are considered the standard of care for prosthetic replacement of missing teeth in dentistry.

Now let us know what are dental implants

Dental implants simply mean the replacement of tooth roots. A dental implant is a procedure that involves the placement of tooth roots with metal, screwlike posts and then replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and function like real ones.

It is a surgical device that is inserted into the jawbone and allowed to blend into the bone for a few months. The process of fusion between the dental implant and jawbone is called “osseointegration”. Most dental implants are made of titanium, which allows them to bond with the bone without being seen as a foreign object in our body.

Teeth are lost because of various reasons, like:

But is it necessary to get a dental implant? Why would you need a dental implant?
The ultimate goal of dental replacement for a
dentist is to restore functionality and aesthetics. These can replace one tooth, several teeth, or all of the teeth. 

For tooth replacement, removable 
dental appliances commonly called dentures, fixed dental bridges or these can be the options. Dentures cause inconvenience and can affect one’s taste and sensory experience with food. Whereas bridgework is the dependence on existing natural teeth for support.
There are many advantages to choosing dental implants for tooth replacement. One of these is that they are very conservative and can replace a missing tooth without affecting the adjacent teeth. Also, they are very stable and have the look and feel of a natural tooth.
A person can benefit from this procedure in case of 

Appearance: The look and feel like your teeth. And because they are designed to meet the bones, they become permanent.

Speech Improvement: Having poor-fitting dentures can cause the teeth to slip inside the mouth, which can slur or mumble your words. With this procedure, you can speak with greater confidence.

Easier Eating: Having sliding dentures can be hard on the teeth. But this can be used as their own teeth and is designed to allow you to enjoy eating without pain.

Oral Health: Instead of reducing other teeth, dental implants are designed to support secure and healthy oral health. They do not require staining or altering other teeth. With individual implants, you can maintain better oral hygiene.

Convenience: With dental implants, patients can get rid of their dentures without the need for messy adhesives.

Improvised Smile: Dental implants can restore your smile and help you feel better about yourself.

Durability: Dental implants remain strong and will last for many years. With proper care, most implants survive a lifetime.

Dental Implants at COMHTS
First, we perform a clinical assessment to determine if a patient is a suitable candidate for dental implants. This evaluation will involve X-rays and other tests to ensure that the implants should be placed properly. 

Later, we will assess the condition of your oral tissues and provide the most appropriate treatment plan for you. We will tell you the exact duration of the treatment, as well as the number of appointments that will be needed. Also, discuss the various options for local anesthesia and sedation dentistry.

Over time, our technology and science have advanced to improve the results of dental implants. Today, we take pride in letting you know that the success rate of dental implants is almost 98%.

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